Stay Up-to-Date with Showell: Explore the Latest Features and Enhancements in Our Release Notes
In this article
Showell App for Windows Release Notes: Version 10
Showell App for Windows Release Notes: Version 9
The Showell App is available for your iOS, Android and Windows devices, and from any browser
Showell App for Windows Release Notes: Version 10
10.34.1 - February 2025
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Addressed a bug with the Entra ID SSO login
10.33.1/10.34 - January 2025
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Addressed various bugs related to the 'keep on device' setting, improved the popover functionality, enhanced error handling, and implemented several minor fixes and enhancements.
- Resolved bugs with Screen recording and Kiosk Mode
- 10.34 - With Smart Folder, you can now select the source folders
- 10.34 - Fixed a bug with the notification font and links in PDFs
- 10.34 - Resolved an issue causing the App to appear offline during searches
10.31.1 - December 2024
π Share Messaging
Within the Digital Sales Room, you can engage in direct communication with all your prospects and customers. This feature allows for real-time discussions, making it easier to address inquiries, clarify points, and provide additional information that may be crucial for the decision-making process.
- Furthermore, you now have the ability to limit the visibility of your Share links by specifying allowed domains or individual email addresses.
π Renewed Share Analytics, and added Recommendations
- Discover the updated Share Analytics page with enhanced insights into your Share's performance and audience engagement. Plus, take advantage of the new Recommendations feature to make data-driven decisions and optimize your follow-ups effortlessly.
π Navigate Showell in Hungarian
- We've added support for Hungarian. To change your language, go to your Settings > Preferences > Language
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Improved Smart Folder sorting preferences, optimized presentation opening, and ensured uploaded file notifications automatically dismiss after a few seconds
10.29.2 - November 2024
π Share Collaboration
- You have the ability to invite other users from your Workspace to collaborate on your Share. These collaborators can view the contents and analytics data directly within the Showell App. Additionally, you can grant them editing privileges, allowing for a more interactive and collaborative experience.
π Navigate Showell in Norwegian or Danish
- We've added support for Norwegian and Danish. To change your language, go to your Settings > Preferences > Language
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Video files are now more easily identifiable thanks to the newly added 'video play' icon next to their titles
- Enhancing the process of uploading Microsoft Office files
- Users are now informed when a file conversion is in progress, improving transparency
- Additionally, fixes have been implemented for FileBrowser search functionalities and navigation within search results. Improvements have also been made to Kiosk autoplay features and Smart Folder operations
- Added a 'Sort' option to the Share list
- Resolved issues with uploading files directly from your device to share when conversion is necessary, ensuring a smoother sharing experience
- Resolved a problem with navigating between files linked in Showell.
10.25 - October 2024
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- 10.20.1 - Resolved an issue that caused files to be untraceable on the device.
- Resolved discrepancy between File Browser and search results.
- Fixed issue where the "Receive notifications about shares" switch showed as OFF despite the user being subscribed.
- Resolved an issue where the Subject field was not marked as mandatory during the submission of a Share, specifically when the workspace setting 'Send share links using: Showell mail server' was activated.
- Added missing Open Source licenses
- Share link remains unchanged regardless if a PIN code was set or not.
- Resolved issues related to the 'Upload New File' feature.
- Enhancing the process of uploading Microsoft Office files.
- Users are now informed when a file conversion is in progress, improving transparency.
- Additionally, fixes have been implemented for FileBrowser search functionalities and navigation within search results. Improvements have also been made to Kiosk autoplay features, Smart Folder operations, and Universal link functionality.
10.20 - September 2024
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Clears old temporary files
- Presentation Editor and additional small fixes
10.17.3 - August 2024
π Enhanced user interface for creating and organizing shares with added functionalities
- Upload files directly from your device while creating or managing a share (these are stored in your My Files)
- Explore AI-generated suggestions for shared content. When creating or managing a share, the AI will recommend files that could enhance the Share's content
- Enable or disable email notifications for per Share
- When managing existing shares, you now have the option to easily share them again via email
- Each share is accompanied by a QR code for easy access and sharing
- From your My Settings > Preferences, you can determine if by default you want to receive email notifications for opened shares.
π Added a Quick and easy download button for files
- To make several files available for offline access on your device simultaneously, simply click on one or more download buttons situated in the center of the file thumbnails.
π Drag & Drop support
- Re-ordering items 'default order' in your My Files now happens clutter free by clicking the double arrow icon in the top right corner (
), and utilizing the drag & drop feature
- you can also utilize this option while creating or managing a share, or from the 'collect'-basket
π Control your web links
- Within your My Files, You now have the option to select whether a web link added to Showell should open within the Showell App itself or in a new browser tab
π Microsoft 365 Editing
- When enabled on your workspace, you now have the ability to effortlessly create and edit Office files (such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint) directly from your My Files.
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Enhanced the capability of custom search filters in Smart Folders, which were previously only accessible in the Search feature
- Improved usability of search filters
- Enhanced 'date-picker' with Share creation/management
- Opening 3D content comes with improved progress info
- Resolved issues related to navigation, file visibility, single-page selection in presentations, notification attachment visibility, and bugs affecting presentations, scrolling shares, and file conversion progress, including embedding Vimeo links.
- Updated colors in UI, darkened most of the grey colors to increase contrast
- Fixed default "Expires at" not correctly set for shares when it was set to "Never"
- File's original extension is shown in file listings instead of the converted extension. For example: PPTX instead of PDF
- Display a notification on the Trash screen informing users that trashed files will be kept for 60 days before being permanently deleted. Additionally, include a button for easily clearing all trashed items.
- Performance improvements
10.9.8/10.11.1 - May 2024
π 10.11.0 Control your web links
- From your My Files, You now have the option to select whether a web link added to Showell should open within the Showell App itself or in a new browser tab.
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed an issue where some workspaces could no longer share via email
- Fixed a "download to device" issue
- 10.11.0 - Lots of performance improvements
- 10.11.0 - Fixed issues with presentations, Kiosk-mode and embedding Vimeo links
- 10.11.0 - Updated the 3D viewer
- 10.11.0 - Added a 'search' option to the Presentations list
- 10.11.0 - PNG images will now have a transparent background instead of a black backdrop.
- 10.11.0 - ZIP files, that are not Smart Tools, will now suggest to be downloaded upon opening.
- 10.11.1 - Fixes provided for Presentation creator
10.9.4/10.9.6 - April 2024
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Removed a bug that changed the language menu height
- Fixed issues with the top navigation bar animation
- Provided some fixes for Kiosk mode
- Fixed an UI issue where the sidebar re-appears after viewing a file
- Presentations now automatically generate a PDF for downloading in the backend
- Resolved a problem with removing notifications
- Performance boost with large displays
- Navigation issue with double-clicking a file/folder was resolved
- Performance boost with opening large PDFs
- 10.9.6 - This release focuses on enhancing stability and performance. We have successfully resolved a number of issues, leading to an overall improvement in the app's performance
- 10.9.6 - When viewing documents, the bottom toolbar now operates independently from the top navigation bar, enhancing the user experience
10.9/10.9.1 - April 2024
π Added support for managing presentations offline
- Utilizing Showell 10, you can create and edit your Showell presentations while your device is offline
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- This update addresses problems related to transitioning presentations from the old to the new Showell 10 format. Along with this, it incorporates various fixes and enhancements to improve performance.
10.8.1 - March 2024
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- We've tackled a Workspace swapping issue and leveled up the MFA sign-in process.
10.8 - March 2024
π Fully renewed User Interface
- The side menu and top menu have been redesigned to offer a fresh and modern appearance, making navigation clean and intuitive.
- Introducing the 'Home'-tab: This helps to quickly return to the main page
- You can now navigate through all the files in your Workspace even faster by using the 'Files' option in the side menu or the breadcrumbs provided in the top menu.
- The top menu bar is now conveniently fixed to the top of the screen, so you can easily access all of its functions without any hassle. This ensures that you have immediate access to all the features right at your fingertips.
- 'Tools' has now been changed to the '3 dots' icon, as this is a common and understandable icon among a multitude of applications.
- In grid view, the thumbnails have been redesigned and we've made some space for longer file names. Additionally if you're using a mouse, hovering on top of the title will display the full title for longer file names.
- Added an overview list of new and updated materials: When your Workspace Administrators upload or update materials, you'll now be able to find an overview of this. Click 'Files' in the side menu, and choose the 'New'-tab.
π Updates to 'My Settings' tab: User Settings, Preferences & Links
- You can now find a multitude of additional options under 'My Settings' from the side menu
- Change your name, email, title, country and company
- Add social links or company website - These links will be displayed in the Digital Sales Room
- Option to change your Home Workspace
- Storage: You can now easily remove any files that you have uploaded to My Files in order to free up storage space
- Trash: Accidentally deleted a file from your My Files? You can now restore them from your personal trash folder - or then permanently delete!
- From the Showell native apps (Windows, iOS android), you can remove downloaded contents from your device.
π Updates to Content Viewing, Finding & Collecting
- AI Recommendations: When opening the 'Search' window, you will be provided with a list of recommended files
- Search has been updated with a 'recently viewed' list
- Search filter options received a face lift.
- (Native Apps only): Option to remove downloaded files. This will help regain space on your device.
- The 'Home' tab in the side menu will quickly bring you back to the main page
- Breadcrumb navigation: From the top menu bar, you can click the 'path' (your current location in the App), this will help you navigate quicker to any place in Showell.
- Page navigation in documents: Page numbers and the clickable option to navigate between pages have been relocated to the bottom right corner of the document. In addition, you can now access the Table of Contents from this location, which has also been updated with a thumbnail overview for easier navigation.
- Draw: The drawing feature can be accessed from the bottom right corner of the screen or by clicking on the page number in a document with multiple pages. We have also given it a fresh, modern look to enhance the user experience.
- In addition to the 'Draw' feature, we have introduced the 'Pointer' feature. With the 'Pointer', you can easily make annotations while presenting and they will automatically fade away. This is a fantastic tool for temporarily highlighting important information.
- You can now Collect files, by clicking the '+' icon on the file's thumbnail.
π Updates to My Files
- Brand new user interface, providing a clean overview with loads of data
- Search, Filter or sort your files directly from the My Files area
- Create Smart Folders: This new features allows you to save a search filter 'preset'
- You can now change your files and folders thumbnails
- Tag your documents with keywords
- Provide your files with language tags
- Apply 'keep on device' setting
- Set a file to be 'Shareable' or not
- Drag and drop files/folders in the right order
π Updates to Sharing & Share Analytics
- 'Shares' area has now been provided with a brand new look, and provides a ton of convenient information in a glance
- Search, Filter or sort your shares directly from the 'Shares' area
- New user interface for Share Analytics
- For individual share analytics, you can now search in a specific time frame
- You can now add multiple Showell created 'Presentations' into a single share
- When sharing 1 file, the subject is automatically filled in with the file's name
- You can now de-activate a Share
- Easily select the files and folders you want to share directly from the File Browser window. This window allows for quick navigation and added convenience, with a top menu that provides quick access to all Files, your My Files, Recently viewed items, and Collected contents. You can even search for specific files or folders directly from within the file-browser.
- Brand your Digital Sales Room: When activated on your Workspace, you are able to add and choose between multiple branding options for your Digital Sales Room.
π Updates to Presenting (Presentation Creator)
- The Presentation creator has been overhauled with a brand new user interface
- Sort your presentations directly from the 'Presentations' area
- When creating a presentation, you can conveniently select files directly from the File Browser window. This window allows for quick navigation and added convenience, with a top menu that provides quick access to all Files, your My Files, Recently viewed items, and Collected contents. Additionally, you can even search for specific files or folders and open multi-page documents to select individual pages.
- Clicking the 3 dots on a slide in the presentation creator, allows you to quickly move slides in the right location.
- Using a keyboard, you can quickly select multiple slides by using Shift+select. This is useful to remove multiple slides at once.
- From the top menu, you have now the option for see a 'preview' of the presentation you are creating.
- You can now add multiple Showell created 'Presentations' into a single share
- Shared presentations can be downloaded from the Digital Sales Room right away as a PDF, without the need to convert them first.
π Updates to Notifications
- With the updated Notifications area user interface, you now have the ability to instantly view a range of details and a small preview of any attachments that may be included.
- You can now sort your notifications
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- For extra security, we offer a button to sign out from all devices at once. You can find this under My Settings > Security & Privacy
- In-platform malware detection: in the background, all files undergo a thorough malware check. If any issues are detected, the files are promptly rejected.
- When the Showell native Apps (Windows, iOS or Android) updates in the background, this will now be displayed as a 'toast'.
- We exterminated a plethora of pesky bugs
Showell App for Windows Release Notes: Version 9
9.9.1 - November 2023
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- We've zapped a pesky Smart Tool and keyboard issue.
9.7.6 - June 2023
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- We have resolved a login issue, resulting in a more consistent and seamless login experience.
9.7.2 - May 2023
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Say goodbye to bugs and hello to smoother sailing! Our latest update is jam-packed with bug fixes and improvements under the hood.
9.7 - May 2023
π New additions to our Search Feature
- You can now clear all filters at once
- File types are now displayed in search results
- See the amount of matching files with search filters
- UI optimization
π Added GIF Support
- Aside from the already supported JPG, PNG, PSD and TIFF, We've decided that GIF can join the list of supported image formats
π Option to create a Share "Draft"
- You might find yourself being up and about and no signal in sight, just know that Showell got you covered! If you don't have an internet connection, you can still create your shares and save them as a draft.
π Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Behind the scenes, we've worked our magic to eliminate bugs and level up the software's performance
9.6.3 - April 2023
π Renewed User Invitations
- Now, invite users to join Showell in style! The invitations are personalized with your company's branding, personalized messages, and can gather essential information seamlessly. It's time to make a lasting impression while ensuring compliance with our (and your!) easy-to-accept Terms and Conditions.
9.6 - March 2023
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- Those creepy crawlers don't stand a chance. We've removed a few more bugs (safely out in the nature. Of course).
9.5.5 - March 2023
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- Some more bugs got smashed and performance enhanced.
9.5.3 - February 2023
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- We've worked hard to eliminate bugs and improve performance.
9.5.2 - February 2023
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- Our team has been working hard to squash more bugs than a hungry anteater on a picnic spree
9.5 - February 2023
π Added support for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
- Secure your user account like a secret agent with MFA - Making Hackers Frustrated Again!
π Search within your Shares
- You are now able to search and filter your Shares. Not only can you search by subject or message, but also by recipients email address.
π Added Sorting & Filter options in File Search
- Content searching has been improved with additional filter options: Exclude your My Files, Find documents in certain languages or sort the search results the way you like.
π Complete facelift for our 'Share'-Window with added features
- Sharing has received a straight-forward new User Interface. Including the options to add previous messages (for example template messages), and recipients.
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- Those creepy crawlers don't stand a chance. We've removed a few more bugs (safely out in the nature. Of course).
9.4.7 - December 2022
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- Some more bugs got smashed and performance enhanced.
9.4.3 - November 2022
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- We've gone on a bug-smashing spree and made some performance enhancements.
9.4.2 - November 2022
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- We've worked our magic to eliminate even more pesky bugs and make significant enhancements to boost performance.
9.4.1 - November 2022
π New Feature: Google Files Editor
- The Google files Editor allows you to edit or create any Google File within Showell, automatically synced to your Google My Drive.
- Edit existing Google Files and save a copy to your Showell My Files
- Create new Google Files in your Showell My Files
- Add company tailored Google File templates for your users
π Major upgrade to the Search Feature
- A complete UI makeover
- Search using search phrase from the file's name, keywords, and within content
- Add multiple filters to narrow down your search, such as File type and Keywords
- Narrow or widen the search by using the "Match any / Match all" options
π WebView is now Chromium based
- 3D features, web pages and Smart Tools have improved performance.
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- Default expire date has now been set to 6 months
- We've worked hard to eliminate bugs and improve performance.
9.2.11 - October 2022
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- The App is now running smooth as silk
9.2.8 - July 2022
π Share expire date can now be set to 'Never'
- Set your share expire date to 'never', so you don't have to worry about a thing
9.2.7 - July 2022
π Updated search view
- Provided the search element with a better look and feel
9.2.6 - June 2022
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- Our team has been working hard to squash more bugs than a hungry anteater on a picnic spree
9.2.5 - June 2022
πNew Feature: Screen Recording
- You can record your screen and presentations within Showell. This video file will be saved to your My Files.
π Upload multiple files at once
- You can now upload up to 50 files at once to your My Files
π Share expire date can now be set to 'Never'
- Set your share expire date to 'never', so you don't have to worry about a thing
π Option to add web links
- With My Files, you can now quickly add web links with the '+'-button in the bottom right corner
π Keyboard Shortcut added
- Shift+select to easily select a range of files
π Safe files to your device in original format
- Users have the option to save files in their original format, if allowed by the Workspace Admins
π Updated 3D viewer
- Lightning adjustments have now been added to the 3D viewer
π Content Download options
- Users can choose to download all content, or individual files to the Showell App
- Users can choose to download only content in their relevant languages
π Updated User Interface
- Made the app look a bit prettier!
- Smooth animation added to files when they are managed
π Bug fixes and Improvements
- Default expire date has now been set to 3 months
- This update contains bug fixes so effective, you might start questioning the existence of actual insects
Updates prior to Version 9.0/May 2022
Hey there time traveller! If you're feeling nostalgic and in the mood for some old-school updates, have we got a treat for you! We've got a link that'll transport you back in time:
π‘ FAQ
How do I know what Showell Version I have installed?
You can check your installed version from the Showell App or Showell Admin. Navigate to the following article for more information:
Can I automatically update the Showell App?
The Showell App for Web will always have the latest version available.
If you have auto-updates enabled in your device's store, the Windows, iOS and Android App will also automatically update.