"The key is using Keywords" - Make your search more powerful and find documents quicker by creating keywords for your content.
In this article
Showell App for Web:
How to provide Keywords to files and folders
Showell Admin:
Benefits of using keywords
Using keywords can greatly assist you and your users in quickly locating the specific content they require. This becomes particularly important during meetings, as it can be the difference between saying, "Hold on, I'm still searching for it, I can send it to you later," or confidently stating; "Here you go! I have the documents and information you requested."
Showell App for Web
How to provide Keywords to files and folders
1. In the Showell App for Web, Open 'Edit'-Mode and navigate to the content you would like to provide with keywords
2. Go to the file's or folder's settings
3. Provide all the Keywords you desire in the Keywords-field
4. Click Save
Manage multiple files simultaneously
When you choose multiple files by ticking the checkbox next to them, you can easily apply actions to all the chosen items at once. This feature allows you to set keywords for multiple documents simultaneously.
1. Once the checkboxes are ticked, you'll see managing options at the bottom of your screen. Click the 3 dots and choose 'Modify Properties'
2. You have the following options:
- Add Keywords: This action will add the newly entered keywords to the selected files while retaining any previously added keywords.
- Set keywords: This action will replace any previously set keywords with the new ones you provide.
3. Click 'Save'.
For more information: Manage your Contents
Showell Admin
How to provide Keywords to files and folders
1. In Showell Admin, navigate to the content you would like to provide with keywords
2. Open the file settings
3. Provide all the Keywords you desire in the Keywords-field
4. Click Save changes at the bottom of the page
Alternatively, you can also provide keyword for multiple documents at the same time:
1. In Showell Admin, navigate to the contents you would like to provide with keywords
2. Select all the files by checking the ✔️-mark in the top right corner of the file/folder
3. A taskbar will pop-up at the bottom > Click Settings
4. Under Keywords:
- Add keywords will simply add keywords aside already existing keywords
- Set keywords will overwrite already existing keywords
How do I quickly add multiple keywords to a file?
You can quickly type multiple keywords simply by pressing the Spacebar or Enter in between words. You can remove a keyword by clicking the X.