Showell's Latest Top Features

Here you'll find a list on our newest top features. The list is updated when a new and exciting feature has been introduced or an existing one has been significantly improved.

The Showell App is available for your iOS, Android and Windows devices, and from any browser

App Store Google Play 
Microsoft Store Web Browser


Newest Features for Showell App

🆕 Renewed Sharing Experience

The latest update has revamped the User Interface of the Showell App, bringing new features and enhancements to Share Creation and Share Management. This update aims to provide users with a more intuitive and seamless sharing experience.

  • Discover personalized file recommendations with Showell AI! Once you've added your content to a Share, our intelligent system will suggest files that complement it, taking its information from shared content by other users.
  • The Share Creation and Management User Interface has been redesigned, providing a fresh and improved look and feel to the sharing experience.
  • You now have the option to enable/disable notifications for each individual share, allowing you to choose whether or not you receive email notifications. This feature has been updated from a general user setting to a share-specific setting for more control over your notification preferences.
  • After creating your Share Link, you will also discover a QR code that can be used to quickly share content with customers.

For more information:


Newest Features for Showell Admin

🆕 Translate your folders using AI

  • With our translation feature, you can easily translate all folders within your Workspace. But now, by simply clicking on the AI-button, this will automatically translate the folders for you. For more information: Translate Folders

Newest Features for the Digital Sales Room

🆕 Custom Company Branding options

DSR Branding options

  • The DSR can now be personalized for your sister companies, subdivisions or dealers with their own logo, color and icon.
  • For more information: Digital Sales Room Branding