Microsoft 365 Integrations: Setup Guide

Connect your Microsoft 365 SharePoint, OneDrive or TeamsDrive with Showell and sync your selected content.

Create Dedicated Integration Users (Optional)

💡 This step is particularly advisable for Professional or Enterprise Workspaces that manage a substantial number of users.

Create separate user accounts specifically for the integration. These serve as a bridge between SharePoint/OneDrive/TeamsDrive and Showell, minimizing interruptions and simplifying access management while preventing accidental file modifications.

Create a Dedicated Integration User in SharePoint/OneDrive/TeamsDrive

  • Example Account Name: Companyname_Admin or
  • Access Rights: Grant read-only access unless read + write access is specifically needed for specific sites or libraries.
  • When authorizing the connection between Showell and Microsoft, Sign in with this User Account

Set Up Access to Sites, Libraries, and Folders

Ensure the integration user has access to all required SharePoint sites, document libraries, and folders.

1. Permissions Settings:

  • If using a new SharePoint site, assign the integration user read + write access.
  • For existing sites, ensure the integration user has read access at a minimum.

2. Set Up Access:

  1. Navigate to the SharePoint site or OneDrive folder.
  2. Click “Share” or adjust permissions via “Site Settings”.
  3. Add the integration user’s email and set permissions to "Read" or "Read + Write" as needed.

Create a Dedicated Integration User in Showell:

Utilizing a dedicated user account will help ensure that your integration operates seamlessly without any disruptions and remains unaffected by individual user settings.

  • Example Account Name: Companyname_Admin or
  • Access Rights: Assign this user with the Admin role.
  • In Showell, sign in with this user account to initiate the authorization process.


Authorize the connection between SharePoint/OneDrive and Showell

1. Go to Showell Admin

2. From the top menu, select: Admin > SharePoint/OneDrive

3. Begin authorization by selecting “Authorize by signing in to SharePoint/OneDrive


Create linkages: Sync your content between SharePoint/OneDrive and Showell

Once the connection has been authorized, you can start syncing your content between SharePoint/OneDrive and Showell.

1. Connect your folder

  • When connecting your first folder, you can click 'Connect first folder'
  • When connecting a folder later on, click 'Connect folder' in the top right corner

2. A pop-up screen will appear to connect your SharePoint/OneDrive folder to Showell

  • Use the arrows to navigate your contents
  • Left panel: Choose the SharePoint/OneDrive folder you want to connect
  • Right panel: Choose the target destination for this folder in your Showell directory

3. Click OK


Manage your integration

drop-down menu button with SharePoint

1. Check the status of your linkages by refreshing them. Running linkages can be monitored using this feature to see if they have been completed. This will not fetch new or changed files.

2. To fully remove your SharePoint/OneDrive connection: Click SharePoint/OneDrive > Disable SharePoint/OneDrive

3. By clicking the 'Drop-down menu'-button located on the right side of your connected folder, you are able to:

  • Remove connection: This will remove the individual linkage
  • Disable connection: The linkage is still connected but will not synchronize
  • Fetch new or changed files: This will immediately synchronize the individual linkage


Enhance your integration with custom columns/field data

By utilizing custom columns on the SharePoint side, you can decide what files and information comes over to Showell.

What we support:

A Keyword column: A keyword you have provided to a file on the SharePoint side, will sync, and be provided to the file's keyword field in Showell.

A Language column: A language-tag you have provided to a file on the SharePoint side, will sync, and will be provided to the file's language field in Showell.

A column for filtering: You have the flexibility to 'tag' specific files that you want to sync with Showell. By using for example a field with options such as 'Value A', 'Value B', or 'Value C', you can choose to synchronize only the files with 'Value A'. This allows you to have greater control over the content that is transferred to Showell.

How To:

1. Create the custom column(s) within SharePoint and give them a name of choice.

  • Do not make multiple fields for one subject (for example: create only 1 field for Keywords instead of multiple).
  • Set the following Type: 'Managed Metadata' for keywords and/or languages, and 'Single line of text' for filtering options.
  • Under "More options", check "Allow multiple values"
  • If you are adding a language column, make sure to utilize the two-character language code, based on the ISO 639-1 standard

2. In order to configure and activate the column's data support on Showell's side: Please provide the precise name of these custom columns to your Showell contact person or Showell Support.



How do I activate the Microsoft 365 integration on my Showell Workspace?

If you are interested in learning more about the integration between Showell and Microsoft 365 SharePoint, OneDrive or TeamsDrive, you can find additional information:

Is my content automatically synchronized?

By default, the SharePoint/OneDrive integration in Showell automatically syncs every hour. However, if you have a large amount of content that needs to be synced, it is recommended to adjust the sync interval. If you would like to change this to for example daily or weekly, please reach out to Showell Support for assistance.

Can I also connect and sync my TeamsDrive?

Certainly! You have the option to connect your TeamsDrive by following the SharePoint/OneDrive integration process.

Can I connect my Microsoft 365 integration to multiple Showell Workspaces?

If you want to connect the same Microsoft 365 account to different Showell Workspaces, we recommend creating separate Microsoft 365 users for each Workspace. For example, you can have and in SharePoint. On the Showell side, you can establish the connection using just one Showell User Account.

Can I have multiple DAM/Cloud integrations on one Showell Workspace?

Yes, you can sync contents from multiple integrations at the same time.

Is there a file size limitation?

A single file cannot exceed 6GB. However, this limit is rarely reached unless you are dealing with multi-file zip archives or lengthy 4k uncompressed movies. So, there is no need to worry about exceeding the size limit for most standard files.

Is it possible to move the content structure after all the content has already been synced?

Certainly, you can change the structure on both the integration and Showell side while maintaining its analytics and any existing shares you might have. This is how it's done:

  • To make changes on the integration side, while not affecting the structure in Showell -  First remove the linkage in Showell that is currently in place, move the folder on the integration side, and then create a new sync from the new folder location to the same Showell folder that it was previously synced to.
    An example: You have synced folder A on the integration side to folder 1 in Showell, you remove the linkage, then move folder A to any desired location in the integration side, followed by re-establishing the sync between folder A and folder 1.
  • To make changes in Showell, while not affecting the structure on the integration side - First remove the linkage in Showell that is currently in place, move the content in Showell to the new location, and then create a new sync from the integration to the new Showell folder.
    An example: You have synced folder A on the integration side to folder 1 in Showell, you remove the linkage, then move folder 1 contents to folder 2 in the Showell side, followed by re-establishing the sync between folder A and folder 2.

What happens to all my Showell Presentations and Shares when I update a file?


🔔 Troubleshooting


I cannot limit my users' read privileges in Azure/SharePoint

If it's not possible to limit the user's read privileges in Azure/SharePoint, Showell can make these limitations on our end. Please contact Showell Support with your request and we will help you further

I am unable to sync content, or syncing fails

It might be so that the authorization is revoked from the SharePoint/OneDrive side. Therefore you will have to re-authorize. Contact Showell Support for further instructions.
