Overview of our Services, Integrations and Add-ons

Here you can find a comprehensive list of premium features to max out your own sales tool kit and unleash Showell to it's full potential! Contact us for more details or request a quote!


Unlimited documents/storage

🔹Gives you an unlimited amount of document storage
🔹No worry or stress of running out of space
🔹Add your entire sales data bank of sales materials along with large videos and images

Up to Unlimited users & admins

🔹Gives you the ability to add any amount of users and admins to your Workspace
🔹You can choose to add several departments or even the whole company
🔹The possibility to extend access to your dealer network

Premium support

🔹Professional help with a CES score of 6.6/7
🔹Always get a guaranteed fast response time to any problem
🔹Makes sure every seller is up to speed with a working tool

Multi-Workspace Support

🔹Multi-Workspace support lets you divide collateral into multiple tailored Showell Workspaces
🔹Each Workspace can be individually branded/structured and have their own (or linked) users and administrators
🔹It created the possibility to divide your collateral based on different countries, languages, branches or business units

SSO (Single-Sign-On)

🔹Connect any user identity management system with Showell
🔹Make user management and signing in even easier, more efficient and secure
🔹It enables users to remember and manage fewer passwords and usernames for each applications. SSO lessens the chance on phishing and eases pressure on your IT help desk

On-Boarding Service

🔹We offer structured training sessions where a CS manager trains the relevant company members on 'What is the value of using Showell', 'How to use Showell Admin and Showell App' and finally 'How to continue to use Showell throughout the entire sales process'.
🔹Our well thought out on-boarding helps you with a successful launch and that everything works smoothly from day one. We have done Showell onboarding countless times ranging from smaller cases to global implementations, executed simultaneously in dozens of countries. 
🔹You will get clear steps and best practices on how to set up everything and roll-out Showell to users in the most effective manner. Alongside ready-made Onboarding packages, the onboarding service can be tailored to match your company’s specific needs

Dedicated Showell Workspace manager

🔹Get your company personal assistance from a dedicated customer success manager
🔹Because the CS manager knows your business, needs, requirements, pain-points and sales process; you're able to focus on selling while we keep your Workspace on track
🔹They will answer especially Workspace specific questions and help your Workspace run smoothly and organized while providing you tips and guidance on how Showell can be used best for your sales process

Private App Distribution / MDM

🔹Make showell look like it’s your in-house app
🔹Builds trust with your users and customers


🔹We make our code available for developers to built tools that suit your company needs
🔹Helps your developers to quickly create integrations to Showell

  • For DAM/Cloud integrations
  • For CRM integrations
  • Showell Analytics

Smart and Interactive Tools development

🔹We can help to develop Smart tools (Web Apps) within Showell;  interactive and animated content that ranges from forms, calculators and configurators to 3D models. Extended apps can function fully offline and be integrated with your CRM or other systems
🔹Everything is in Showell; from preparation to presentation, from immersive and interactive content to signing the contract


Free Add-ons

➡️ Contact us to turn a feature ON or OFF

Showell Add-in for Outlook

🔹Conveniently access Showell while composing an email in Outlook. This means you can open Showell on the side and seamlessly create a new Share Link or add an existing one to the email you are writing.
🔹This integration between Showell and Outlook streamlines your workflow, saving you time and effort. Whether you want to share a new presentation, sales collateral, or any other document, the Showell Add-in for Outlook makes it quick and easy.

My Files +

🔹This feature is ON by default
Allows all your users to upload content and create folders within their My Files

Analytics pseudonymization

🔹This feature is OFF by default
🔹Certain countries privacy laws apply restrictions upon tracking user activity
🔹Pseudonymization keeps the user anonymous. However, you can still track the activity

Share Tracking

🔹This feature is ON by default
🔹When a customer opens the Digital Sales Room by a share link you provided, they will be prompted to provide an email address before viewing the content
🔹This valuable information will give you insight on how interested the prospect is by creating share analytics. This includes: who viewed your share, when they viewed it and what or how long files and individual pages have been viewed

Open user invitation Feature

🔹This feature is OFF by default
🔹Create an open invitation link for anyone who you grant access to that link
🔹Anyone with the link can join the Showell Workspace. We recommend to only use this within internal communication channels of your company.

Download original file type/format

🔹This feature is ON by default
🔹This option provides the capability for your users to download content straight from the Showell App in its original file type/format. 
🔹For example: A PPTX file can be downloaded by the user in converted PDF or PPTX format.

Share 'Recipients'-Field

🔹This option adds a 'Recipients'-field, when creating a share.
🔹The 'Recipients'-field makes it more convenient to send your shares straight to your customers, skipping the additional steps to share from a default email app.
🔹With the 'Recipients'-field activated, the option to share straight from your default email app will not be available. (you can still copy/paste the share link/URL to your email app)




MS Office Editor

🔹The MS Office editor is great for sales reps who need to make quick changes to their presentations on the road or in between meetings.
🔹Showell's MS Office Editor removes the steps to download and re-upload files. It provides flexibility to tailor content, straight within the app, based on the prospect's needs. 
🔹For example: Within Showell you can open a MS PowerPoint document, make changes to the title and images, and save this new document to your Showell MyFiles.

Google Files Editor

🔹The Google File editor is great for sales reps who need to make quick changes to their presentations on the road or in between meetings.
🔹Any google file you edit, will be saved to your My Files section within Showell, but also to your personal Google Drive.
🔹Within your My Files you can create Google Files on the fly; This removes the hassle of having to work via the Google Drive first and uploading the content to Showell afterwards. Everything is now synced and stored in both locations right away.
🔹Create your own or use Google File templates, so you and your users can make any kind of document with the company styling.

Multi-Language Feature

🔹Manage multi-lingual collateral in Showell and target the right languages to your global sales teams. Let your users use and filter Showell in their preferred language.
🔹Increase efficiency and centralize all languages in Showell and target or restrict languages by user. Make the Showell UI dynamic so that folders are automatically translated based on user’s language of choice.
🔹When a user changes the Showell App language, it will not only translate the user interface, but also the home screen and folders. The user can then also filter the content to only view collateral in a language of choice.

Custom Slide Templates for Presentation Creator

🔹Slide Designer allows you to quickly create for example a cover slide, agenda, or thank you page, while combining your presentation within Showell. Even when offline!
🔹It Keeps your brand consistent and in control, while it saves your sales reps time on creating and uploading their own slides. It's easy to combine with other material and it will automatically change it's aspect ratio to the documents you are presenting!
🔹Create for example: a cover slide with the customer's name and title, a summary slide with your offering, benefits or next steps, an ending slide with your contact details or an agenda slide for meeting and upcoming events.

Custom User Interface

🔹Edit your custom branded home screen. Manage elements, sections, background images/videos and more. Easily create the structure and visual appearance that fits your sales process and company branding. It helps salespeople to quickly find the right content and makes Showell appear as your very own in-house sales tool
🔹Showell offers tested and ready-made themes which can be easily customized while ensuring the best user experience on all devices with different screen sizes.
🔹Impress your customers with a impressive, trustworthy and familiar (on brand) visually stunning and personalized home screen.

Live Copies

🔹Live Copies is the smart way to link content inside Showell. Control your content and its metadata to multiple locations from one (possibly hidden or private) Master folder.
🔹Live copies are great if you have content that should be available in multiple locations within your Showell Workspace. You only have to apply the changes to the original file and this will automatically update all your live copies.
🔹Live copies also save storage space: you can make endless live copies of the original file, yet it will only take the storage space of the original one!

Custom Domain

🔹Provide the Digital Sales Room and Showell Online app with your own domain name to build trust and familiarity with your users and customers.
🔹Your custom domain and so also the share links you send to your customers, will look like 'subdomain.companyname.com' . For example: showell.acme.com or sales.acme.com
🔹The Showell Online app login screen will now have your company color and logo.

Event Analytics

🔹Provides an overview for managers to see what areas of Showell are used
🔹These analytics help you to make sound decisions for onboarding and training sessions or simply to provide your sales reps with handy tips of Showell tools they might not be aware of.

Download Hub

🔹This Smart Tool allows you to download multiple files or folders at once from the Showell App for Web.
🔹You have the option to download converted files, original files or even thumbnails.


🔹This provided the ability to add multiple brands to your Workspace and Digital Sales Rooms.
🔹A sister company, subdivision or dealer that works on the same Showell Workspace can therefore utilize their own logo, color and icon.



DAM/Cloud integrations

🔹Always have your content up-to-date in Showell, as it's synced with your DAM of choice
🔹No need to upload content twice; more efficient and less work
🔹Find, present and share relevant content; even offline



CRM integrations

🔹With Showell's CRM integrations, you can seamlessly share content from Showell with any contact, lead, or opportunity in your CRM. This feature allows you to easily distribute relevant materials to your prospects or clients, ensuring they have access to the information they need.
🔹Track share analytics effortlessly from within your CRM to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your content and sales activities. With Showell's CRM integrations, you can seamlessly connect your Showell Workspace with your CRM system, allowing you to track and analyze the engagement and interactions of your prospects and clients.
🔹Can't find your CRM service on the list? Contact us for integration possibilities




Some features spark my interest, how do I activate these on my Showell Workspace?

If your organization or company could benefit from one or more features, don't hesitate to reach out and request more information or a quote.

For more information on our packages: check out our Pricing plans
