Share your content

Share any content or presentation you'd like, provide it with a custom message, and manage its sharing options. This will make sure to impress your customers when viewing the shared materials from the Digital Sales Room

Gather materials you'd like to share

Share Options

There are several methods for sharing one or multiple files or presentations. Explore the following options to find the best way that suits your needs:
  • Underneath a File/Folder thumbnail (A): Click the 3 dots underneath a file or folder > Click Share
  • Collect multiple files (B): Collect Files > Click Share
  • By opening a file: Open a file > In the top right corner, click the 3 dots > Share file
  • From the 'Shares' menu: From the side menu, click the 'Shares' tab > Click 'Create Share' in the top right. You will now open the Share window, where you can Add files.
  • Sharing a Presentation: Click 'Presentations' in the side menu > Click the 3 dots next to a presentation > Share


Customize & share

Share Modal

1. Manage files

  • Add files to your share:
    • Click 'Select files from Showell' > Navigate the 'File Browser' and add more materials.
    • Alternatively, you can directly add files from your device by dragging and dropping them or clicking 'Click to upload'. This action will not only include the files in your share but also store them in your My Files for future reference. You can choose the specific location within your My Files where you wish to save them by selecting from the dropdown menu.
  • Removing files from your share: Next to a file, click the 3 dots > 'Remove'
  • Organize your files: Select and hold a file and drag it to the right spot. This will determine the file order within the Digital Sales Room. Additionally, you'll find organizing options under the 3 dots next to the file.
  • Downloading options: Toggle the 'downloadable'-button on/off and choose the files that can be downloaded by the share recipient(s).
    • 💡 As an Admin, you have the ability to set the "download option" default from your Workspace settings.
  • AI Recommended files:
    • You can rely on Showell AI to suggest files for you to include in your share. Just click on the '+ Add' button next to a recommended file to incorporate it into your Share.
    • Wondering how it works? The AI reviews all the Shares created by you and other Workspace users. By analyzing your selected files, it suggests recommendations based on the content you and other users have previously shared together.

2. Personalize

  • Add Recipients*: Recipients you've added will receive an email with the DSR share link.
    • *As an Admin, you can (de)activate this feature for the entire Workspace from Workspace Settings > Send share link using Default Mail App or Showell Mail Server
    • The 'Recipients'-field makes it more convenient to send your shares straight to your customers, skipping the additional steps to share from a default email app.
    • Emails are send from and contain your subject, message and share link to the Digital Sales Room.
    • With the 'Recipients'-field activated, the option to share straight from your default email app will not be available. However, you can still copy/paste the share link/URL to your email app.
  • Subject: Add a topic for your share
  • Message: Write a personalized message to the share receiver
  • Use Previous message: Quickly add previously written messages by clicking the 'Use previous message'-button. These messages act as templates.

3. Set your preferences

  • Brand: If your Workspace has the Custom Branding feature enabled, you have the option to select from various brands for your Digital Sales Room. This will customize the logo, color, and icon in your Share link.
  • Set PIN code: Set a pin if the files you are sharing are confidential and you'd like to add an extra layer of security. You can provide the recipient with the PIN via any communication channel of your choice.
  • Set Expiration date: Choose the date you would like this share to expire. By default this is set to 6 months. Just click the 'X', if you don't want this share to expire.
  • Ask for email: If you ask for a recipients email, you will receive notifications on share tracking activity. You will also find out who has been viewing your shared material.
  • Enable notifications: Determine if you'd like to receive email notifications when your Share Link and its files have been visited.
  • Follow links in shared folders: Enable this toggle to ensure links to Showell content in shared folders are visible.

4. Share

By clicking the 'Share'-button, You create the a Share Link to the Digital Sales Room, and you are provided with option on how you'd like to provide it to the receiver*:
(* If the Recipients feature is activated in your Workspace, the Share will be sent right away)

  • Copy link: This will Copy the Share link to your clipboard. You can paste this to your email, social media, SMS or other communication channels.
  • Share by email: This will open your default email App and compose a new email with your subject, message and share link to the Digital Sales Room. Simply add the recipients email address(es) and hit the send button.
  • Open link: This will open the Share Link as a new tab in your browser.
  • QR-code: The Share Link can also be opened by scanning the QR-code with a mobile device.



Can I edit or manage my shares, after I've sent them?

Definitely, You can do so from the 'Shares' menu.

Where and how do I analyze my Shares?

We offer a comprehensive article that outlines how you can effectively analyze your shared content: My Shares: Analyze your shared content

I've created a bunch of Shares, can I search for them?

Yes, you can use the Search straight from within the 'Shares' menu, or utilize Showell's Advanced Search to search for your Shares by subject, message, and recipients' email addresses. Additionally, you have the option to filter the Shares based on their expiration dates.

Do I get notified when someone opens my Share Link/Digital Sales Room?

You will be notified by email whenever someone visits the Digital Sales Room via the Share Link. If you prefer not to receive these notifications, you can disable this function while creating or managing the share, or click here for more information on how to disable this option by default.

Is there a limit to the 'Use previous message' in the share modal?

Yes, the last 50 shares will be displayed.

Can I share my contents in their original file type?

Absolutely! Showell will automatically convert your files to the most suited file type for showcasing your content. However, you can still share your content as its original file type.

Can I share multiple Presentations I made in Showell?

Certainly! Go to the 'Presentations' area and click the '3 dots' > 'Share' next to any presentation. With the Share window open, click '+ Add  files'. The File Browser window will automatically open 'My Files > Presentations'. This is where you can find all the presentations you have created. From here, you can easily select and add the presentations you need to include in your share.

What happens to all my Showell Presentations and Shares when I update a file?


🔔 Troubleshooting


Why am I unable to share folders?

By default you are able to share files, but not folders. Learn more on: how to manage files and folder sharing permissions.

Why am I unable to share content?

There may be multiple reasons why. Go through our check-list to rule out any barriers!

  • Share Permissions: Your Showell workspace administrator can set file restrictions and therefore make certain content unable to share. Please contact your Workspace administrator if you have questions regarding this.
  • Outdated Showell App: Make sure your app is always up to date, every update comes with new features and fixes
  • No default email app: If you are unable to share via email, make sure you have configured an email application on your device. Showell will use the default email application of your device to send out the share.
  • No internet connection: If you share without an internet connection, Showell will save the Share as a draft. Once an internet connection is established, you can send the Share from your 'Shares' menu.