Share Content as its Original File Type

For the best user experience, Showell automatically converts your content when they're uploaded. You have the option to share these files as the converted or original file type.

In this article

Showell App for Web:

How to enable original file sharing

Showell Admin:

How to enable original file sharing


Showell App for Web

How to enable original file sharing

Share in original file format app

1. In the Showell App for Web, Open 'Edit'-Mode and navigate to the file you want to share with it's original file type

2. Open the file's settings, by clicking the 'settings'-icon

3. Toggle 'Share in original format' ON

4. Click Save

Manage multiple files simultaneously

When you choose multiple files by ticking the checkbox next to them, you can easily apply actions to all the chosen items at once. This feature allows you to set the 'share in original format' option for multiple documents simultaneously.

1. Once the checkboxes are ticked, you'll see managing options at the bottom of your screen. Click the 3 dots, choose 'Modify Properties' and find 'Share format'

2. You have the following options:

  • Share in current format: This action will ensure that the files are shared in their converted file type. In most cases, this will be a PDF document. For more information: Supported Content & File Formats
  • Share in original format: This will ensure all files are shared in their originally uploaded file format.

3. Click 'Save'.

For more information: Manage your Contents


Showell Admin

How to enable original file sharing

Share as Original file type

1. Open Showell Admin

2. Navigate to the file you want to share with it's original file type

3. Open the file's settings page

4. Turn Share original file to ON

5. Save changes



Why is my shared content converted?

By default, Showell shares your content as the converted file type to provide the best user experience. This conversion also adds an extra layer of protection, making it difficult for others to edit the shared content. For instance, if you upload a Word file, it will be automatically converted to a PDF file before sharing. To learn more about how Showell handles files, click here.
