Analyze your shared contents

Track your recipients share activity and see their analytics straight from within the Showell App

Why to analyze your Shared content

Share analytics provides valuable tracking information that allows you to gauge the level of interest your prospects and customers have in the content you Share. By identifying the most popular content, you can focus your attention on what is truly interesting and worth following up on. Analyzing how potential buyers perceive the Shared content enables you to continuously refine and customize your Share links.

With Share analytics, you can:

  • Identify who has viewed your Share
  • Determine when they viewed it
  • Track which files and individual pages have been viewed
  • Determine how much time viewers spent on each file or page

This information allows you to evaluate and understand customer interest, identify decision-making barriers, and determine the value of developing and personalizing materials.


How to view your Share analytics

Share Analytics tab

1. Open the Showell App and click 'Shares' from the side menu >

  • Click the Analytics-button from the Share you would like to view its analytics.
  • OR, Click the '3 dots' next to a share > Analytics
  • OR, Open a Share, and navigate to the 'Analytics'-tab

2. You can now discover the Shares... :

  • Visitors: Number of people who have visited the Share page
  • Visits: Number of times the Share page has been visited
  • File Views: Number of times a Shared file has been viewed
  • Downloads: Number of times a Shared file has been downloaded
  • Narrow down the time-frame: Search for results in a specified time-frame
  • Check out the details: Go more in-depth by opening each individual viewer, and see the exact files and/or pages, and how long they viewed them



How do I know who has seen my Shared materials?

Ask for the recipients email when creating your Share. This will make sure you know who has been watching your content. If you decide to toggle this option off, you can still know if your content has been watched, but not by who (anonymous).

If you'd like to request, that all Shares automatically ask for email or not, Feel free to contact Showell Support.

How long does it take for Analytics data to be updated?

The availability of Share analytics data may take 15 to 30 minutes. For Share analytics data in SalesForce, it may take 30 to 60 minutes.

What does an 'Unknown' time mean next to files in analytics?

This means that the duration of time spent viewing is unknown. The timer starts when the user opens the file in Digital Sales Room (DSR) and then closes it within DSR. If the user navigates away, or closes the browser, the timer will indicate the closest possible recorded view time, or then "Unknown" if the timer was interrupted to quickly.
