Receive Email Notifications for your Shares

Get notified by email when a recipient has opened, viewed or downloaded your shared material

Email notifications for your Shares

Share Email Notification

We've all been there: It can be frustrating to send files via email and not know if the recipient has actually opened them.

When you share your files, one of the most valuable pieces of information is knowing if the receiver has opened the documents. This gives you insight into their level of interest. With Showell, by default, you will receive an instant email notification when a Share Link (your Digital Sales Room) has been viewed.

If you prefer not to receive these notifications, this article will guide you on how to turn them on or off. Even with notifications turned off, you can still check all the analytics of your share, including who viewed it, when they viewed it, how long they spent on it, and what specific content they viewed. You can access this information in the "My Shares" section within the Showell App.

Here's an extra tip: When creating a share, we recommend asking for the recipient's email, also known as "Share Tracking". This will automatically tell you who has opened the document. If you choose not to ask for an email, you will still receive a notification.


How to enable/disable email notifications for shares

Set your default preference

1. Open the side menu of the Showell App and click 'My Settings' or your profile picture

2. In the 'Preferences'-tab, you'll find the 'Notifications' option

3. Choose if by default, you'd like to receive email notifications for every share

Set by individual share

Even if you have set a default preference for email notifications on your shares, you still have the flexibility to choose whether to enable or disable notifications for each individual share you create or manage.

1. Begin by either creating a new share or selecting an existing share that you wish to adjust this setting for.

2. While setting the share's preferences, you'll find the 'Enable Notifications' switch, where you can decide to enable or disable this option.




Who sends the notifications?

The email is send from Please keep in mind that in rare instances, it is possible for the notification email to end up in your spam or trash folder.
