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  3. Personal & Workspace Settings

Workspace Settings

As an administrator, you have the ability to check or edit the Workspaces details and settings.

In this article

Showell App for Web:

Workspace Settings

Showell Admin:

Workspace Settings


Showell App for Web

Workspace Settings

To access the Workspace Settings in Showell App for Web, follow these simple steps:

Open Showell App for Web and from the side menu, click on Admin > Workspace settings. From there, you will be able to adjust multiple options for your Workspace.

Workspace Settings

General preferences - 'Workspace Setting'-tab

Save-button: Make sure to click this after you've made changes to any settings

Organization: This is the name of your company and Showell Workspace

Country: Your company's location

Custom terms of service link (URL): You have the option to include your company's 'terms of service' in Showell. This allows you to add a link to the terms of service with every user invitation. By doing this, the invitee will be required to accept the terms before joining the Workspace.

Share expiration: Change the default expire date for your shares

Send share link using:

  • Default Mail App: Settings this option will make sure that all your Workspace users can share via their own default email app.
  • Showell Mail Server: When you and your Workspace users create a share, they will have the ability to add recipients. When clicking the 'send'-button, Showell will inform all recipients via email with a link to the shared content (Digital Sales Room).

Allow shared files to be downloadable by default: Enabling this option ensures that all shared files are automatically downloadable for your customers from the Digital Sales Room. Remember, you can still choose to disable this feature for individual shares if needed.

Experimental - Enable SSO invitations: If your company has set up SSO, this setting will allow you to invite your company users to the Workspace. If you decide to do so:

  1. First make sure you have added the users on the SSO side
  2. With the SSO invitations enabled: send out an invitation to those users
  3. The users will receive an email with link. Opening the link allows them to sign in with their email and access the Workspace. This comes with the added benefit that you, the Admin, can see who has accepted the invite.

General preferences - 'Info'-tab

Created: Creation date of the Workspace

Modified: The last time an adjustment was made to the Workspace

Theme Settings

Logo - Change Image: Add your company's logo

Brand Color: Add your company's color

Save-button: Make sure to click this after you've made changes to any settings


Showell Admin

Workspace Settings

To access the Workspace Settings in Showell Admin, follow these simple steps:

Open Showell Admin and click on your username in the top right corner of the top menu. Then, select "Workspace settings" from the drop-down menu. From there, you will be able to adjust multiple options for your Workspace.

Workspace Settings Admin

1. Settings overview

Organization: This is the name of your company and Showell Workspace

City: Your company's location

Country: Your company's location

Phone number: Your company's phone number

Description: Write a brief description of what your company is about

Custom terms of service URL: You have the option to include your company's 'terms of service' in Showell. This allows you to add a link to the terms of service with every user invitation. By doing this, the invitee will be required to accept the terms before joining the Workspace.

Share expiration: Change the default expire date for your shares

Logo: Add your company's logo

Theme Color: Add your company's color

Web App Hostname: Here you can configure your Custom Domain

Save changes (2): After changing your settings, make sure to always save your changes

3. Workspace details

Size: The size of all your content combined on your Workspace.

Created: Creation date of the Workspace

Last modified: The last time an adjustment was made to the Workspace

Users: Total amount of users that have this Workspace as their Home Workspace

Licenses (Used/Total): Used licenses also equals the amount of total users on the Workspace. Total licenses refers to the maximum amount of licenses on the Workspace.

Subscriptions: Current active subscription plans on the Workspace.

4. Features List

In this section, you will find a comprehensive list of optional features available in Showell. These features can be toggled on or off based on your preferences. To learn more about each feature, simply click on 'Learn more' and you will be redirected to the corresponding help center article. If you would like to activate or deactivate any of these features, please feel free to contact us for assistance.



How does the size of my Workspace impact the users within the Workspace?

Showell ensures that all of your content is accessible offline through the Showell Native Apps on Windows, iOS, and Android devices. Keep in mind that depending on the content in your Showell Workspace, it may take up a significant amount of storage on your users' devices. To manage this, you can utilize the 'Keep on Device' option, which allows you to select which content is downloaded to the device. To learn more about this feature, please refer to the 'Keep on Device' help center article.
