Application Resources

You can find your Application resources in Showell Admin. Applications resources is where you store your background images and/or videos, logos and thumbnails.

Utilize your Application Resources

Utilize the Application resources folder to efficiently manage your background images/videos, logos, thumbnails, fonts and more!

By keeping all your resources in one place, you will streamline the process for creating a personalized and tailored Workspace. Uploading your resources is as simple as uploading any other contents.

When a user opens the Showell app, the Application resources are always downloaded or updated if any changes have been made to them. During this process, the user may experience a waiting period before their Workspace is fully operational. Keep in mind that this is not the case, using the Showell App for Web.

Open the Application Resources folder

1. Open Showell Admin

2. From the top menu bar, click Files > Application resources


What's in your Application resources

Application Resources

By uploading your background images to this folder, you can easily access them from the background gallery.

Thumbnails : By uploading your thumbnail images to this folder, you can easily access them from the thumbnail gallery.

Main: This folder is where you can create and customize your own Showell App Main Page. For more information: Themes and Templates: Setup Guide

I18n folder: This folder and it's content is only visible when you have the Language filtering/folder translations feature activated on your Workspace and a new translation table has been created. Do not remove or edit this folder.

Google Drive Templates: This folder is only visible when you have the Google Files Editor feature activated on your Workspace. For more information: Google Files Editor

Slide-designer: This folder contains custom made slides for your Workspace, if you are using the Slide-designer Add-on.

Config.json file: Read further below for more information on the Config.json file

, You can add your own folders

  • Logos: If you are working with one or multiple templates, it can come in handy to keep your logos in one folder.
  • Skyboxes: If you have 3D content in your Workspace, we can recommend to create the 'skyboxes'-folder (lowercase) to upload background images for your 3D content. When opening a 3D image with the Showell App, users will be able to select any background image from the Skyboxes image gallery.
  • Fonts: Create a 'fonts'-folder (lowercase) to upload a personalized font to set for your home theme. Read further below for more information.
  • Tools: Create a 'tools'-folder (lowercase) to add content connected to forms or smart tools you might have on your Workspace.


The Config.json File

Depending on the features you have available with Showell, you might find, or like to create, a config.json file. This contains your personalized font settings for your themes, information about your Workspace's preferred and used languages and more customization options. 

You can create and edit the config.json file yourself. However, this requires basic knowledge of html and CSS. Also keep in mind that both the Language and Font information should be placed in the same Config.json file.

If you have the Multi-Language feature or Showell Themes enabled on your Workspace, we are more than happy to provide assistance in creating and setting up this file for you. Contact your Showell contact person or Showell Support for more information.

Do not remove or edit this file, if you have not created it yourself.

Multi-Language Feature

If you have the Multi-Language feature enabled, you can add as many languages as you'd like to your Workspace. These languages must be listed in the Config.json file.

1. Open any simple text editor, such as Notepad, or a Code editor, such as Visual Studio Code

2. Add the following piece of code:


"languages": ["xx", "xx"],

"defaultLanguage": "yy"

  • Replace xx with a language code of choice.
  • Add more languages by adding   , "xx"
  • Replace yy with your Workspace's default language. For example: if you will upload all your contents in English, this wil be your default language.

3. Save the file as Config.json

4. Check if the file works with a JSON validator if needed

5. Upload the file to your Application Resources


You have the option to include your company's own fonts when using Showell Themes. This will specifically impact the appearance of your Main Page and Templates.

Add your Fonts

1. Create a folder named 'fonts' (lowercase) within your Application resources

2. Add the .ttf or .otf font(s) to the folder.

Configure your font settings by uploading or updating the Config.json file

3. Open any simple text editor, such as Notepad, or a Code editor, such as Visual Studio Code

4. Add and edit the following piece of code:


  "cssVariables": {

    "font": {

      "color": "#COLOR",

     "regularFamily": "FONT-REGULAR",

      "regularWeight": "300",

      "boldWeight": "800",

     "boldFamily": "FONT-BOLD"

  • Replace #COLOR with a color hex of choice
  • Replace FONT-REGULAR with the exact name of the font you've uploaded to the Fonts folder.
  • Replace FONT-BOLD with the exact name of the font you've uploaded to the Fonts folder, intended for bold fonts.
  • Replace 300 and 800 with the desired font weight for your regular or bold fonts.

5. Save the file as Config.json

6. Check if the file works with a JSON validator if needed

7. Upload the file to your Application Resources


🔔 Troubleshooting

Why am I unable to see the 'Application Resources'?

Application resources becomes available when one of the following Add-ons is enabled: Showell Themes, Google Files Editor, Multi-Language Feature or Slide Designer.

For more information: Overview of our Services, Integrations and Add-ons
