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Create & Manage Quizzes

Build quizzes to assess user understanding and reinforce learning throughout your courses.

Who is this for?

👤 Administrators

👁️‍🗨️ Available as an Add-on for Professional and Enterprise plans

In this article

Create & Manage Quizzes


➡️ Create & Manage Courses

Create & Manage Quizzes

Each Course is made up of one or more lessons and/or quizzes. Before you begin creating lessons, please ensure that you have already set up a course.

1. Go to the side menu and select 'Courses', followed by going to 'Edit Mode', or alternatively, navigate to 'Admin' in the side menu and choose 'Course Management'

2. Access the course where you want to add a quiz > Click the Content tab > Click '+ Add Quiz'

Quiz creator

3. Provide all necessary details for your quiz:

  • Title: Give an engaging name
  • Description: Explain the overall goal of this quiz and the skills and knowledge that users will gain
  • Duration: Estimate the time it will take for the user to complete this quiz

4. Add questions to your quiz:

  • By clicking the '+ Add questions' button, you can include as many questions as you wish for this quiz
  • You can remove or change the order of every question by clicking the 3 dots next to it
  • By clicking the question, you can write the question, choose the question style, and add it's answers on the right-hand side (see next step 5)

5. Manage your questions

  • Write your question
  • Choose the question style
    • Single-choice question: Only 1 answer can be correct
    • Multi-choice question: One or more answers can be correct
  • Add your answers
    • You can have as little as 2 answers, or then add as many you'd like
    • You can add more by clicking the '+Add answer' button
    • You can remove an answer by clicking the trash bin icon next to it
    • Ensure you select the correct answer(s)

6. Determine how your quiz should be presented to the course participants:

  • Question set - This decides how the questions are presented to the user
    • Ask all questions: All the questions you've created will be asked in order
    • Random selection: Questions will be presented in random order, and different sets may be used for retakes. You can also 'flag' important questions to ensure they are always included, even in new random sets.
  • Correctly answer X / Y : Here you can specify the number of questions that the participant must answer correctly (X), as well as the total number of questions (Y) that will be presented in the quiz.
    • Note: You can only specify the total number of questions to be presented (Y) if you've chosen 'Question set: Random selection'

7. When you are ready with building your quiz, click 'Save changes' in the bottom left corner. You can leave the lesson creator by clicking the arrow back in the top left corner.

8. Feel free to add additional quizzes to your course as needed, and you can include as many as you wish

Manage quizzes

You can manage your quizzes at any time. You have the flexibility to modify all aspects of the quizzes, including descriptions and questions.

For significant changes it's advisable to first unpublish the course. After making your adjustments, you can republish it for user access. 

To change the order, or remove a lesson/quiz: click the three dots next to a quiz, and select one of the 'move' options, or 'remove'. 




How can I get the LMS Add-on?

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