Slide Designer: Usage Guide

Slide Designer allows you to quickly create for example a cover slide, agenda or thank you page, and add it to your My Presentation deck!

How to use Slide Designer

1. Open the side menu in the Showell App

2. Select Presentations and edit or create a new presentation

3. Click the '+ Add' button and choose Slide from template

4. If you have multiple templates, you can navigate between them by clicking the circles on the bottom of the screen or simply swipe between them.

5. Click: Select this template when you have made your choice.

6. Now you can start creating your custom made slide:

  • Any text within the slide can be edit or removed.
  • If enabled, click the blue circle to choose another background
  • Click Cancel if you'd like to choose another template
  • Click Done to insert the slide into your presentation

7. You can enhance your presentation by adding more slides or additional files. Remember to save your presentation by clicking the 'Done' button.




How do I get started with Slide Designer?

Slide Designer is an add-on feature available in Showell. Our team collaborates with you to create custom slides that perfectly align with your needs. Once designed, we will place them directly to your Showell workspace, ready to be used by all your users. If you'd like to know more:
